September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just recently joined a new company (yay!) – but even the ‘book clubs’ in the past couple of companies I’ve worked for is so…business oriented. Reading books about politics and how certain businesses became successful, or how business practices changed the landscape etc.

    Even though I will participate in some, I will still share the books I’m reading *for fun*, but nobody really joins in. Even those younger than me (I’m in my 30’s) just go with the ‘big boss’ books.

    I really wish I could simply find one group that enjoys reading, for fun. I mentioned in another post I do enjoy both non-fiction and fiction. But most non-fiction I read will be memoirs or adventures or around historical events. So, enjoyment in either section, not career/business-driven books.

    But it seems that’s all corporate world employees care about, accelerating their career and business by reading a book a month, most of which they will forget or not apply to their daily work.

    What are your thoughts?

    This post was sparked by u/Dadbat69’s [recent post](, plus posts that were made in our ‘book club’ for work over the holidays. Everyone is reading political, career and business books, while I’m over here reading a couple of classics over the holiday weekends.

    Obviously, it’s different tastes – but after three different companies, I just now feel its the *norm* and it will be unfathomable to find people who enjoy reading books for fun together in my age group.

    Sorry for the rant!

    by poiuylkjhgfmnbvcxz

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