September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m trying to weigh the situation. I see a few book shops around 45 minutes (drive) away, possibly more, from where I live, but it’s in a more traffic-heavy city than I’m used to driving in. This makes me nervous; I am admittedly not the best driver; no major accidents, but more close calls than I should have under my belt! The drive is kind of long, meaning a lot of gas, too. Add in wet or possibly icy roads sometimes. But I love the ambiance of a smaller, privately-owned bookstore, and the books always seem so well-curated, whereas it is difficult to find something I like among the sea of books at our large B&N closer by. The way smaller bookstores often curate the best of the best, increases my chances of finding books I love.

    What factors do you weigh in, here? I’d love to hear how you’d make this decision!

    This is the place I find so appealing! [Spine Bookstore & Café](

    by New_Assistant2922

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