September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I used to believe if you read a novel, and afterwards you find out they made a movie out of it would be nice to see scenes and characters almost perfectly as you imagined throughout reading, as your imagination comes to manifest in front of your eyes! but today I’ve learned that it’s not always the case.

    Few hours ago, i finished reading Dan brown’s Angeles & Demons.
    I searched and found the movie they made of it starring Tom Hanks, i was like wow, must be as good as the Davinci code’s! It only took me five minutes in to determine that my belief was vain.

    It was nothing like the book. I was able not to get upset too much about the messing with the chronological order of events. but seeing them messing with lines spoken by the characters was a thing i couldn’t handle. Why would they let the Camerlengo say a line which Vittoria supposed to say to mr. Langdon? It was absurd.

    So i came to a realization; Let the characters with their looks, voices, and dialects beautifully roam my imagination, cuz even tho the Davinci code movie was acceptable, this one was, in my opinion, a complete mutilation of art.

    by Lanc6r

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