September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Im a 24 year old woman still healing from long term sexual abuse that happened 3 years ago. I’m in a long term relationship now and I’m trying to reclaim my sensuality. My body seems to be experiencing a form of ptsd where even if i WANT to be intimate with my partner, and i have the desire in my head, my body still reacts negatively leading to intense anxiety and sexual frustration. Especially around this time of year (some months are easier than others). I don’t think about sex often, and im prone to avoiding any intimacy using excuses a lot. I thought maybe reading some good healthy erotic books would help me remember the beauty in sexual relationships and reconnect with my libido. I don’t want to read anything involving r@pe, even if it’s a consensual/unconcentual type fantasy, of course, and no violent bdsm. So far the erotic novels ive looked into from lists online involved these things….so i thought i would just ask on reddit myself instead of looking at other peoples comments.

    by Bratty_Bunny99

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