September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have an 8 year old best friend who’s apart of my family and love him so much. He’s very sweet and energetic. He calls me and santa his best friend which i find absolutely adorable😭. since Christmas is coming up, I want to get him some gifts. I already have stuff coming into the mail for him that I hope he would enjoy, but I also wanna get him a book or two. He’s not really picky when it cones to gifting. He enjoys about anything he gets as long as it’s for “boys”. He got a mcdonald’s toy which was a girls toy and he was not pleased and tried giving it to me. To try and help with recommendations he does enjoy Christmas, transformers, legos, spiderman, and basically any type of super hero. IDK of there are any books that are out there that are on those topics but i’m happy and open to any recommendations that are fit for an 8 year old.

    by ewtfyouok

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