July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am a 39 year old dad who finds it so hard to find time to read anymore. So when I do decide to enjoy some reading time I inevitably get distracted and find it hard to get really into a book. The closest I got was reading The Watchers by A.M. Shine. But it took forever to read.

    I love browsing this sub and vicariously enjoy the experience others get from their new favourite read. But I started seeing more and more posts about Project Hail Mary. I had to give it a try. And boy, it was AMAZE.

    I just got absorbed into the world and the writing style just resonated with me. Weir did an amazing job and I just had to make time to get lost in the story. It was the first book I’ve actually read through within a week since I was a teen.

    Anyway, definitely recommend this to anyone struggling to get back to reading. It’s got a lot of science jargon but it makes sense (kind of) and adds to the story rather than bloat it.

    by Epilepticelephant

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