September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So I finished KM’s ‘Widow Falls’ a week or two ago and was completely hooked on it until it fell apart in the last few chapters. Because I liked ‘Widow Falls’ well enough, I decided to give ‘A Quiet Retreat’ a shot as well and idk if it’s just me, but I did not care for that book whatsoever. A lot of it felt like it was written by AI with the wild plot twists and plot lines that she shoehorned in and it felt like 60% of the book passed before anything interesting even happened. I also noticed that the structure of this book was pretty similar to how ‘Widow Falls’ was written (i.e. chapters that provide back story or diary entries to add mystery), and while I liked it in WF, I didn’t really care for it in AQR.

    Basically, I’m curious which book is a better representation of KM’s books because I feel like I had two completely different experiences with the two books of hers I have read – one that makes me want to try more of her stuff and another that makes me not want to. I would chalk me not liking AQR up to me just not liking the book, but I did try reading ‘The Dinner Guests’ too and I also really struggled to get into that book as well and it quickly became a DNF.

    Since I did really like WF and if it’s a good representation of her books, I do want to check some of her other stuff out, but if they’re all kind of ‘same plot, different cover’ then idk if I want to waste money or time on them. Ultimately, I’m just curious what people’s thoughts are on her books and if they can give insight into what to expect from her other books?

    by coopek14

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