September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m a 16 y/o with a full time job, online school, and a bunch of other junk that’s probably too ahead for my age

    I have no experience with reading books, my favorite piece of media is Bladerunner 2049. I read the screenplay, i watch it almost every month. so idk, try using that as a baseline of what i may like.

    Some other things that might help: I really love soaking in interesting ideas and paradox’s, theoretical ideas, the nature of humans, what evil is, psychological, idk, i just like seeing things that really make me think about it.

    I am christian (atleast i try to be, cant help being agnostic from time to time), havent had the best childhood so i dont know what love from someone really feels like, so i have a hard time growing up the right way, never had someone to teach me how life works.

    Which brings me here for book suggestions, excited to see what i find!

    by suprcoolcatt

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