September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My thoughts can be summarized in 4 points:

    * It’s brilliant!
    * I have no idea what I am reading!
    * Boy, it’s a bit of a slog to get through!
    * This is the most Irish thing I’ve ever read!

    The first 3 chapters – Buck Mulligan is funny but a bit of a jerk. Later in the book, some of the characters in the carriage on their way to the gravesite make fun of Buck Mulligan and his ‘aunt’.

    Chapter 4 (I think) where Stephen goes through his depression and talks about a dog on the beach was a bit weird.

    Is it just me or is Leopold Bloom a bit of a player? Letter from a mysterious woman, checking out women as he walks along the street?

    I can see why the book created a stir back when it was released. It’s pretty filthy.

    The antisemitism is a bit uncomfortable to read in 2023 but that’s how people talked about it so casually back then (“because we never let them in”).

    The chapter I just finished where the characters (Stephen, Buck, John, etc) are debating Shakespeare plays (Hamlet is him, etc etc) tested me a lot because I don’t know Shakespeare as well as I would like to.

    Truthfully, I’m finding it hard to get through just because the whole work is so massive. I am taking frequent breaks from it. It’s also hard sometimes because it is such a stream of consciousness to it and it can turn into rambling upon rambling.

    Any thoughts or things I should prepare myself for for the rest of the book?

    by RivetCounter

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