September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This sub seems to have a huge superiority problem when it comes to reading classic books.

    I’ve seen comments of people berating others because they don’t like reading classic or older books. Calling them young and immature and uneducated.

    Some people just don’t like the dense writing style that pretty much all classic books have. I’ve tried SO many classics and while the stories of some of them may be slightly interesting, they’re always a slog to get through because of their writing style. Some people just don’t want to read books that describe a curtain for 3 pages. And THAT’S OKAY.

    You can like what you like but we need to stop judging others for what they read. So what if they want to read modern romance? Or smut? Or blue alien sex books? Who cares.

    I think the issue with this sub and many book spaces in general is that people will always try and convince you that you’re reading books wrong, you must not have understood it, you must not be educated enough to get the message of it, you must be young and stupid, you’ll like them when you grow up.

    It’s infuriating to see.

    Just let people read or not read what they want.

    by eat-the-fat220

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