July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I was so hyped to read Mistborn, seeing that it appeard in the top 5 reddit fantasy stories of 2023, voted by many as their favourite. I was let down by the style of writing. Though the magic system, world-building and plotting was great, the voice felt very YA and I couldn’t get past the excessive dialogue, and his prose. After having read ASOIAF and seeing Sanderson’s books being ranked above Martin’s, I had high hopes for his writing.

    That said, Mistborn was one of his earlier series and I’m hoping for advice on whether I should read some of his latest works (and which ones), or does his writing style stay the same, and I should just move on to something else since Mistborn didn’t click with me?

    Thank you!

    by babyjejet

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