July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve read Napoleon of Notting Hill, The Man who was Tuesday, and The Ball and the Cross.

    I was immediately drawn into his ability to write his characters, I’m always a sucker for good and bizarre dialogue and I especially love how these characters are so willing to put themselves in equally bizarre situations. I always admire I writer who creates a unique story for each book yet it is still quintessentially their style of storytelling, Kurt Vonnegut is another who is like that. If the main characters aren’t taking their surroundings seriously then it’s their surroundings that are taking the characters seriously.

    Of the three that I have read I honestly don’t know which one is my favorite so far, Notting Hill had my favorite character but Ball and the Cross was just a frienemy duo and their misadventures together which I could not get enough of. I look forward to reading more from Chesterton.

    If anyone else has read his works then I’d love to know your thoughts.

    by NotBorris

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