September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m currently in a foreign clinic for a 4-weeks long treatment. I’m far away from my family and everyone at the clinic is sick, so it’s a bit of a sad environment to be in.

    I normally love these genres: thriller, sci-fi, mystery, crime, tragedies. But, as you can imagine, now these kinds of books make me feel more anxious and bring me down.

    I’m not very familiar with “feel-good” books, a part from Project Hail Mary which I LOVED SO MUCH. So maybe something similar?

    Requirements: it needs to be an audiobook narrated by a male preferably. It also should be a bit fast paced (I have ADHD).

    No self-help books.

    Thank you!!

    by Aramat_Pie


    1. Hey, I have not gotten into audiobooks but I am here to say everything will be OK, and you will get through this 🙂

    2. NeverFarFromtheSea on

      Hope everything goes smoothly for you! If you’re open to fantasy novels, The Stormlight Archive series by Brandon Sanderson made me feel like I was transported to a different planet. It’s a great escape and I didn’t find it very emotionally demanding. The regular audiobook is read by both a man and a woman. There’s also an (expensive) graphic audiobook where the different characters are read by different actors and there’s background music and sound effects. These books are quite long, but that might get you through the 4 weeks!

    3. ReddisaurusRex on

      First, sending you lots of love. Wishing you a productive time away.

      All Systems Red (and the rest in the Murderbot series. It’s light, ignore the word Murderbot 😂)

      House in the Cerulean Sea


      Spoiled Brats by Simon Rich (short stories)

      Non fic:

      The Comfort Book by Matt Haig

      Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green

      Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey

      Year Book by Seth Rogan

      You’re Doing Great by Tom Papa

    4. The Spellmonger Series by Terry Mancor. Drama, Humor, Love and plenty of twists. Narrated by John Lee who is amazing. God Bless.

    5. I would say any David Sedaris books. He never fails to crack me up and his books are sort of short clips of his life.

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