September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Ok, So i am 50% through book 1 and there are lots of niggling issues with the stone of shackles.

    According to Doc ” “If I killed you right now while you wore that chunk of rock, your body would still die, but the Stone of Shackles would switch our souls. My soul, and not yours, would be the one to go stand before Thaena, while you would find yourself enjoying a new body. Specifically, you’d find yourself enjoying my body. Not necessarily a situation to your liking unless you’re impatient to become middle-aged and soft around the center.”

    If this is the case then when the assassin mimic first killed Lyriln, the mimics soul should have gone to Thaena and Lyriln should have continued in the mimics body. But instead the mimic continues to live.

    Second, how did the stone of shackles then get passed on to Kirrin (It’s only supposed to be given willingly..taking from a dead body should mean unwillingly else Darzin could have ordered a slave to kill Kirrins body, the slaves soul would go to heaven and then he would collect the gem from Kirrins dead body.

    Third, the assassin who killed Kirrin in the pleasure house…Kirrins soul should have swapped into his body…so he would no longer look like a member of house Damon.


    What am I missing?


    by thebigbadwolf22

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