July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I got the impression that everyone in the stories is connected somehow, but some I am not sure how.

    The main characters we have are **Sophie**, **Charles** and **Lionel** introduced in *1) Potluck.*

    Then in the second chapter *Little Beast* we meet **Sylvia** who is the housekeeper for **Mac** **Ngost** who we later find is **Aleksander/Alek/Sasha**’s doctor in 7) *Mass.*

    *Chapter 3) Flesh* connects **Charles** to **Alek** as they are in the same dance class.

    *Chapter 4) As Though That Were Love* is where I get stumped. I can’t seem to find any connection between the characters in this story and any other in the book. The only thing I can think of is the line “Across the road and across the fields, they could make out the yellow-orange light in a house as narrow as Simon’s.” (p.93) And *Chapter 6) Filthy Animals* is set in Alabama too and **Milton** “stares out over the top of his house and the next and the next.” (p.138) But I feel this is tenuous.

    *Chapter 8) Anne of Cleves*, I’m not sure of any connections either actually. Nor *Chapter 10) What Make Them Made You*.

    Would love some insight if anyone else has read this ☺

    (Mini review: I really enjoyed this book – I sped through it in a couple of weeks – which is fast for me! I found the themes super interesting. I loved that basically every short story was related to queerness, and i was really interesting(?) to read about suicidality, I have never really come across that being explored in a novel before. I also kept doing the literary equivalent of a double take when I realised that the main story takes place over the span of a night and a day – while so much happens with other characters in between – but I enjoyed that).

    by RaspberryTurtle987

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