September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey there,

    I recently finished FantasticLand by Mike Bockoven and absolutely loved it. Now I’m looking for something similar. I saw some other posts on the same hunt, but couldn’t quite find something for myself there (E.g. Hide by Kiersten White).

    While the amusement park theme was pretty cool, it’s not a must. Same with the interview style, it would be the cherry on top, but I doubt that that’s very common.

    I loved the lord of the flies & battle royale theme , however I wouldn’t mind more gore 🙂 Also, something in that age group (college students /20something) would be lovely. And preferably nothing supernatural (zombies etc.) but if everything else fits, that’d be also okay.


    Thank you in advance!

    by Select-Refuse_

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