September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I read this short story for the first time this year and it’s amazing. Everyone knows it and I don’t think we’ll ever see such a prolific story rise in my lifetime.

    That being said, the thing that I appreciate more than the moral of it, is just how horrifying it all is. For a Christmas story it has one of the most chilling descriptions of a ghost that I’ve ever read, Jacob Marley. The scene where it describes the sound of his chains rising from the cellar and approaching his bedroom door is genuinely spine tingling. And I don’t know that any other retellings I’ve seen, movie or otherwise, even mention when he looks out the window and sees all the other ghosts wailing at the tragedies they see but cannot change.

    I suppose I find curious that when people think of Christmas stories they think of something cozy and sweet when one of the most famous Christmas tales we have is a ghost story.

    by tsh87

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