September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Even though I’m a collector of antique books I’m not a huge reader, but I try to finish around 15-20 books per year and have worked my way through most of the classics. My wonderful girlfriend doesn’t have the same interest, and has during the two years we’ve been together read maybe 3 books. Which is why it came as an enormous surprise to me when she put a BOOK on her christmas wishlist. As I’m sure you understand, this feels like a huge opportunity and I very much want to give her a wonderful reading experience. However, the books I have the most experience with are not the types of books that I believe she would enjoy, so I would really appreciate some advice.

    Since her reading experience is so limited, she hasn’t really developed a specific “type”. But my best guess is that she would enjoy “beautiful” books. Those books that contain a mixture of happy and tear-inducing moments. Not *too* sad because she feels very strongly and I suspect she would lay down a book that is just catastrophe after catastrophe. Maybe something like “A Prayer For Owen Meany”, that one would have been perfect but it’s definitely too long. Anything beyond 500 pages and I once again suspect she’ll put it down.

    Does anyone have something they can recommend?

    by ShowelingSnow

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