November 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi there, I’m looking for a documentary, or a social commentary on how MBAs have infiltrated the highest levels of (United States) healthcare administration (and how healthcare administration is actually so far removed from the provision of healthcare, there’s a reason the stereotype is that admin knows nothing).

    Why does healthcare admin treat patients like widgets, and the masters and doctor level professionals like we’re supposed to be turning out more productivity? Every person’s issues are different, people are human, and admin seems to forget that. What’s the disconnect between “people deserve to be helped to be / stay alive period” and “you can only get help being alive if you pay for it”?

    I’m looking for a book to explain why I’m fighting upstream to do the best by each person, but my admin across my career is telling me (between the lines, never explicitly to keep themselves from getting in trouble) to pad my numbers, to move quicker, to cut off care sooner, and to do more with less. I want to read about the moral injury of front line providers, and what part of humanity healthcare admin has had to cut out of their souls to climb the corporate ladder, and why.

    I know the answer is “end stage capitalism” but I want a more nuanced answer.

    by erinn1986

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