July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So someone near me is selling 118 books for 10$ (note not all of them are gorgeous condition) I’m tempted to get it because that’s like 8 cents a book but also conflicted because I don’t have much space and I don’t necessarily “read” physical copy’s. I have dyslexia so I read digital versions and then use physical copy’s as either trophies or a visual pointer of how much I’ve read. I’d like to also note I’m very new to reading chapter books because of my dyslexia. ( Like I only just finished reading the Percy Jackson olympians books after attempting for three years) but I’m so so tempted but also I feel like maybe I shouldn’t and I’ll feel bad if i get it. Me and my mom want to make one of those free little libraires so I was thinking I could put the ones I don’t want in the hypothetical little library that dosent exsist yet. I’m just not sure if this is a good idea to buy so here is me asking internet strangers for advice.

    by Original_myth

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