September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Like, is Holden the Devil? Is that the lens I should be looking at this with? Listen, I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed. I need this explained to me. Here’s what I was able to gather:
    They crossed the desert and it was a bad time.
    They killed and they scalped.
    They got to a place that already sucked and then they made it suck harder.
    Repeat that a few times in different biomes.
    They set up a ferry business where they ended up just robbing people and really f\*cking up the town.
    The aborigines put an end to that. Some die, the remainder split up.
    The Kid is The Man now and Eyes Wide Shut happens.
    Please help. Brain small.

    by GutiGhost96

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