September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi all!

    The title says it all, really. Can I have some recommendations for books – can be non-fiction or fiction – about Russian civvies caught up in WW2.

    Context: my Grampy was a poor Russian boy who lived close enough to the border that his town got occupied and he got taken and worked through various German and Polish camps until liberation. I’d like to read something from a similar perspective. He survived famines and made it through the Russian civil war, only for WW2 to happen: had brushes with the SS, suffered on behalf of relatives who were in the Resistance, saw first-hand what happened to Jewish camp victims… all pretty nasty stuff. I want to understand him more and how he mad it through.

    WW2 material I’ve read so far: The Book thief, Captain Corelli, The Boy in Striped Pyjamas. All great books, but I want something spiritually closer to my Grampy’s experience.

    Thank you!

    by notsoorange

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