July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I wanted to get my sister a book she’d enjoy (she’s already read and liked the hobbit, all of the penderwicks, the first Percy Jackson book, and 2 of the Harry Potter books) and while I am planning on getting her either Alanna by Tamora Pierce or His Dark Materials,

    I want to get her a book that includes main characters that come from different backgrounds and cultures, that have brown skin like her, etc.

    Apologies if I’m not wording this right, and for the inevitably terrible grammar. I want to say that I haven’t read the books I listed, so there’s a possibility they *are* very diverse, in which case, please don’t attack me! I mean no harm! I’ve just been somewhat stressing myself out trying to find my sister a book, she’s definitely read way more books than I have her age. And I guess I’m projecting my own experiences with having the majority of the media I consume mostly consisting of white characters, and how that affected me at the time.

    And I guess I want to help her to be more knowledgeable and open to a diverse range of experiences, beliefs, and cultures and ideas. I want her to see the world on all of its color and beauty!

    I’ve not read much books either appropriate for her age or of genres that she’ll enjoy, so I’ll be very grateful of any suggestions!

    She says she prefers more adventurous, humorous books, and I think she’d like it better if it had a female main character. Oh, and ideally nothing with the words ‘dragon’ or ‘witch’ in the title or my father won’t allow her to read it because of how ‘pagan’ or ‘demonic’ those are.(There’s a reason she’s only read the first books of Harry Potter and Percy Jackson.) (yes, I’m also deeply sighing)

    Thanks in advance!! Hope that made sense! Have a good day!

    by EnthusiasticPhil

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