September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    TW: nonspecific mention of child abuse

    I’m in need of some book recommendations to help me learn how to be an adult. I grew up in an abusive environment and really struggle with distress tolerance in particular. It feels super unfair that I suffered every day for over a decade and now I have to continue to do things I don’t like. So books that might help with surviving a 40 hour work week would be much appreciated. This may also sound bad but my trauma has made me very reactive… and you can’t exactly get away with being instinctually bitchy in a work environment, so is there anything out there about learning to be nicer? I’m really good about controlling it with the kids I work with, but other adults can send me dangerously close to flying off the handle. Confidence is an issue for me too.

    I am in therapy for my issues but to be honest it’s not feeling super helpful. I will keep going but it feels like the ideas lack a lot of practicality or relevance to me and what I’m going through. So I figured I’d ask around for books that might address the problems that feel the most pressing to me and go from there.

    by sneakygnome3

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