September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My fiance and I have polar opposite tastes in books, but it makes for interesting choices for one another as we’re exchanging Christmas presents. The direction he gave me was that he wants to try and read more sci-fi. He recently started getting into Ursula Le Guin and loves her work, and he really enjoyed reading Dawn by Octavia Butler. He told me he’d be interested in something to do with space and alien life.

    Any suggestions appreciated, because I’m totally unfamiliar with what’s popular and which authors are the best when it comes to this genre. The only thing I found from my research so far that I thought may be good for him was The Three Body Problem by Liu – if anyone has an opinions on that one.

    Edit: forgot to mention he loves the book To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Paolini. He said anything along the lines of this book would be perfect

    by SnooMacarons5664

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