October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I knew the Jurassic Park movie was based on the novel of the same name, and I knew there were a BUNCH of Dinosaurs in it which I loved a lot more than the few shown in the movie. I picked the book a few years ago but never got to it, until today. I binge-read from chapter 1 all the way to chapter 8 in 2 days, 56 pages and there’s A LOT TO UNPACK. So I’ll go chapter by chapter and display my thoughts. This is a spoiler post so don’t read if you plan to read it or read it if you don’t care:

    Thoughts- I love how right off the start, we get to see a Dinosaur attack. Also the addition of Ed Regis (someone NOT in the movies) was interesting. The first 7 chapters were completely new material for me, and none of the characters we know and love from the movies were in there 7 chapters at all. Instead, it was a small subplot of smaller Dinosaurs running off the island, particularly Procomsognathus: a small foot tall Dinosaur which was green with brown stripes. What’s interesting to me is:

    1. This is a completely new Dinosaur to me.
    2. A distant relative of this Dinosaur, Compsognathus, doesn’t appear until the second movie.
    3. The second chapter details one of the the Procompies biting a little girl, which is something later adapted into the second movie.

    There were also more disturbing bits of the Novel that NEVER made it into the movie. There’s a scene of this newborn baby in a crib being guarded by Elena Morales, the woman who tended to the mother. >!She kept heard chirping and eventually she found THREE PROCOMPIES EATING THE BABY’S FACE!!!!< Anyway, I feel like this novel will be a LOT more interesting than the movie!

    by JokeiMaster57

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