September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I added the Spoiler flag for precautions, but there is no actual spoiler

    Omg I just finished the book and the movie and I have to say, when this booked dropped I ignored it completely bc I thought it be just another sobbing story to get us to empathize with a villain. Mind you, I don’t feel like all these types of origin stories are bad, some make sense, but for Snow would be really weird.

    Then the movie came out and I thought I’d give the book another shot. And I was blown away! We actually got an unredeemable villain.

    His story is so complex and it’s so interesting to see how his mind goes between wanting to help Lucy Gray to being a complete paranoid narcissist.

    Of course there is wayyy more, but I’d like to know what you guys thought!

    by SIsForSad

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