September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Currently going through my collection to pick out books to give away to friends and the local library, I tend to stumble upon works of fiction I read years ago but all I remember is it wasn’t really for me and/or it didn’t really impress me much.

    I often wonder if I should read them again, mainly because back then I was a different person, with different preferences and different views – not in a radical way, but you know, we change over time.

    And sometimes we view things differently due to life experiences made, and that may also impact how we experience things today that we might not have enjoyed back in the days.

    Anyone here give books a second chance so to speak? Or is a book you didn’t enjoy in the past forever on your blacklist?

    If you had the time to read such a book again, what would be some criteria that would make you reconsider giving it another chance?

    by Xarthys

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