September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone!

    My dad is a recently recovering alcoholic who has channeled a lot of the energy he used to put into drinking into a love of reading and I am in need of some suggestions for books to get him for Christmas to go with the custom bookmarks I got him 🙂

    Last year I got him A Gentleman in Moscow and he loved it. This year he was obsessed with The Sweetness of Water, The Water Dancer and all things Khaled Hosseini for some reference of what he’s interested in! So some suggestions along these lines would be awesome!

    Also, would love some other recommendations that deal with alcoholism/addiction as I know he’s been feeling quite alone in his fight against it and these little worlds he’s been finding in his books has been helping him immensely.

    Thank you so much in advance!

    by Overall-News1132

    1 Comment

    1. I do not know any books regarding the subject of recovery from alcoholism (maybe you can ask in a sub of people recovering?), but HUGE congratulations to your dad! it’s very brave to face your addictions and heal from them. only good is ahead now 🙂

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