September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I guess I should start this by saying that I have read Atal Shrugged and that I actually did enjoy it, though I will admit that the second John Galt was introduced the book got incredibly boring. I can speak all day about that book but pretty much everyone I see who has read it either loves it or hates it with a passion, which I can understand why. I still liked that book, but Fountain Head was so much better.

    I really admired how Howard never gave in to how others wanted him to be and how he went through tough times because he believed in his abilities to get himself to better times. And this is most likely my own interpretations of the book due to my own experiences but throughout the narrative that characters like Dominique and Gail hated the fact that they were born human, that the idea of a human is to extend to incredible things, literally designed after the image of God, but all humanity has to offer isn’t much in their eyes. Which is why Dominique kept giving Howard such a hard time, she was mostly trying to punish herself for happiness just walking into her life rather than for her to work for it, and Gail would often hold a gun to his head and even admitted to Howard that he wanted to kill himself when he was young. Though the ending was too bizarre for me to take seriously I still enjoyed the entire book.

    M<y favorite passage in any book is in this one when Howard and Gail are on Gail’s yacht and Howard is floating in the water and Gail is looking at him and he says. “You know, Howard. When you were looking for the model for the statue in the temple you built, you guys chose the wrong model. It should have been you.” And Howard goes. “I’m too much of an egotist for that.” “An egotist? An egotist would have jumped at the first opportunity to have a statue made of them. I swear, you use words in the funniest ways sometimes.” To which Howard replies. “No. I could never allow myself to be a symbol for something else.”

    So, if anyone else has read this book, I would love to know you’re thoughts on it.

    by NotBorris

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