July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I remember the book was about A 4 size and quite thick. Hardcover with light green/light teal frame. Received in 90s, maybe early 00s.

    The book was heavily illustrated about fairytale intricate life of small animals, gnomes(?) and fairies. For example how little animals harvested and cooked sweetcorn or gnome houses with traps and so on. There were designs of the critters houses and a lot of aspects of their life.

    The book was in Polish but I don’t think it was written by a Polish person. I know it’s not much description but the book has a lot of sentimental value and I thought of at least trying.

    My grandma have gifted me this book for my birthday, she passed away and my mum threw away the book. I would like to get it back, to relive those moments with my grandma.

    by sad-mustache


    1. You could also try the folks over in the whatsthatbook subreddit.

      Pro tip: They can be most helpful if you follow the Rules posted there.

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