September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    1. Inability to fully capture inner thoughts and emotions. Books allow you into characters’ minds, while movies and shows often struggle to convey inner experiences as deeply.

    2. Cutting important characters or plotlines. Due to time constraints, many adaptations have to trim subplots and combine/cut characters, losing some richness.

    3. Visuals or casting that contradict one’s imagination. Everyone envisions characters and settings differently when reading. Adaptations often don’t align with one’s own imagination.

    4. Reduction in subtlety and nuance. Books can craft complex themes with more subtlety, while adaptations can rely more heavily on clichés and blunt dialogue/emotion.

    by keeploving111


    1. 5. The boosted ego of film/TV makers that makes them all believe they know better than the author how the plot should have been resolved.

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