Preferably a classic, but not fully necessary though. One where the main character does everything right, or at least does nothing wrong, but still comes out for the worse. I found the quote to be one of my favorites and feel like reading a novel with a similar feeling.
Ender’s Game
>!At least from a morality standpoint.!<
Maybe Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye? Possibly not exactly what you had in mind but the main characters are children that become victims of their oppressive environments and lose the little resistance they had at the beginning.
A Very British Coup
Steven Eriksons “Deadhouse Gates”. Though it is a part of Malazan series.
A Farewell to Arms, by Earnest Hemingway.
Arguably Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle
Maybe The Magicians by Lev Grossman?
How to be Perfect (non fiction)
Great Expectation by Dickens