September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    What I’m looking for is not necessarily a book or story set in an apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic world per se, a la Zombie Science Fiction, but more so writers who induce a sense of imminent dread or ongoing collapse, that create the aforementioned *feeling* (although I’m not entirely eschewing any science fiction that contains these elements).

    Even Kafka would sort of fit this category. And to be clear, the tiny canon I’ve already got is: Cormac McCarthy, JG Ballard, The Bible.

    Thanks in advance!

    by Fugazatron3000


    1. On Such A Full Sea might fit what you’re looking for. Either way it’s a great book, and the BD Wong narration for audiobook was wonderful.

    2. Waubgeshig Rice’s Moon of the Crusted Snow is a great literary apocalyptic thriller with an elegiac tone.

    3. Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman.
      It’s set in a post black plague Europe. The plague as an apocalypse was really refreshing for me, versus the usual nuclear/war post apocalyptic hellscape.

      A Canticle For Leibowitz
      This is more traditional post apocalyptic but it tells multiple people’s story hundreds of years apart from each other. One of my top ten reads of all time.

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