July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi there, I currently struggle with audhd and used to read a lot as a child. I actually read at a high school level from a very young age.

    I don’t know if it was the struggles I had with formal learning after high school to become a preschool teacher like I currently am or what – but I stopped reading in my early 20s.

    I want to rekindle it, but I am having a really hard time finding genres I am interested in.

    I want to find really creepy supernatural books about hauntings, demonic entities, or the paranormal in general – without romance in them. The creepier the better.

    by LackadaisicalDawn


    1. If you enjoy stories with strong female leads, ‘Sabriel’ by Garth Nix is a book I often suggest. It’s a dark and captivating tale of a young necromancer’s quest to find her father and stop the Dead from overrunning her world, all while learning about her own powers.

    2. comparativetreasure on

      I was skeptical going in but I ended up really enjoying From Below by Darcy Coates. The creepiness was a lot more effective than I thought it would be and was just overall really engaging. Haunted underwater shipwreck.

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