September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m going on a vacation soon and have been thinking of giving dopamine detox a try.
    My head is currently full of ambitions, dreams and this – devotion towards my career; yet everytime I sit down to get some work done, I get immersed in this colorful world of distractions. Steering away from them happens rarely yet everytime I manage to do so, I get pulled back into this void. It’s like an endless cycle at this point.
    Everything about this dopamine detox seems to be lining up perfectly, except one teeny tiny thing.
    I just need a book to help myself overcome distractions completely. I’m aware that it’s not about getting rid of distractions, it’s about being consciously above them.
    Tbf, I’m just looking for an all rounder book that’d be the light bearer in this self growth journey.

    Currently, I’m unable to decide between ‘**Atomic Habits**’ by James Clear, ‘**Eat That Frog**’ by Brian Tracy and ‘**Digital Minimalism**’ by Cal Newport.

    I’d be delighted and extremely grateful if someone might be able to help me out 😀

    by ambitious_daydreamer

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