September 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. Definitely. I went through my Amazon first reads I had on my TBR for the past couple months and couldn’t get into any of them.

    2. Absolutely. I’m a hella picky reader and it’s always really exciting when I find a book I love- it doesn’t happen as often as I’d like.

    3. Sometimes I am just not feeling it. Like I know if I was in a different mood the book would probably be fine.

      I set it aside and try a different genre.

    4. I’ve been not feeling it for a while now. Overwhelmed and unappreciated at work. Feeling stagnant and depressed. I managed to read a little piece of chick lit of absolutely no consequence a few months back. The story was pretty good and it wasn’t something I had to think about too much. The best part was that the women characters were real and fleshed out nicely. It was an easy read and it felt nice to get lost in a book for a bit, but I haven’t read since. I find it too overwhelming.

      I don’t know if you’re into that sort of thing, so if you are, I’ll let you know what the book was.

    5. AquariusRising1983 on

      I had this happen to me a few years ago. I couldn’t get into anything I tried for months. I thought I had lost my love for reading. The book that finally got through to me was Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman.

      If you haven’t read anything of his, I recommend starting with Neverwhere or The Graveyard Book. Both are fairly short, easy reads with a kind of dark fairy tale feel. I fell in love with his work after that first experience & now I’ve read everything he has ever written. (If you have read him, you probably know what I mean!)

      Obviously everyone is different, but I hope maybe this will help. Good luck, bad reading slumps are the worst but there *is* a book out there that can reach you!

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