July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    He is an avid reader, so the tricky part will be finding something he hasn’t read.

    The books I know he’s already read are: the WWW: Wake series (sawyer), Clockwork (Wilson), Shatterday (Ellison), Robopocalypse (Wilson), The Rise and Fall of DODO (Stephenson, Galland), The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet (Chambers), Eyes of the Void (Tchaikovsky), The Three Body Problem (Liu), The Martian (Weir), Project Hail Mary (Weir), Redshirts (Scalzi), Asimov’s science fiction (various authors). He’s probably read the classics like Asimov, Clarke, Vonnegut, and he’s probably read Dune and Hitchhikers Guide. He also reads short story collections, but I’m not sure which ones he’s read. Luckily there’s gift receipts…

    Generally, in addition to the sci-fi theme, I’d say he enjoys humor, psychology (he’s a therapist), and philosophy.

    by imaginearagog

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