September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Are there any books about evil androids that aren’t machines but look and feel human? Specifically, about androids trying to overtake human consciousness, kill human Soul, and remake the humans after the image of the machines. The one book that’s a bit similar that I can think of is: Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick.

    by Spirited-Reality-651


    1. Berserker, Saberhagen

      2001, Clarke

      (Short Stories) Artificial Intelligences

      The Matrix movie

      A more nuanced view, The Culture novels, Banks

    2. For a captivating read that explores the boundaries between human and artificial intelligence, ‘Eternal Gods Die Too Soon’ is a fantastic choice. The book doesn’t just focus on AI as a technological marvel but examines its role in shaping society and individual destiny. It’s a narrative that will challenge your perspectives on AI, making it an ideal read for anyone interested in the philosophical and ethical aspects of artificial intelligence.

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