September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Any body got any recommendations for something like the X Files?

    It doesnt have to be related to Aliens or UFOs but more like the investigation of strange crimes with supernatural or strange phenomena attached.

    If anyone is familiar with the X-Files, the episode with Eugene Toombs, a 100 year old serial killer who has to consume his victims lovers before hibernating for decades was an interesting.

    Also, something like The Alienist but supernatural would be nice.

    It probably goes without saying that I want it to be of good quality/substance also not just to satisfy genre criteria.


    *Edit – The Historian is another good example*

    by NMCM93


    1. Prophet
      , by Helen Macdonald and Sin Blaché. Finished it in two days (and three sleepless nights). Highly recommended.

    2. mimidelongprie on

      Also they wrote a few X files novels! I read one about Scully having a supernatural experience as a youth and as a frequent rewatcher I felt the writing was true to the original characters

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