July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    The American writers I most appreciate are William Faulkner (first), Henry James (second, bordering on first), John dos Passos, Herman Melville, Nathaniel Hawthorne and Henry Miller. What about you?

    IMHO, Ernest Hemingway’s moral universe is simplistic to the point of boorishness. Compared to Faulkner, Hemingway is just an apprentice. Faulkner is the Balzac of the Deep South. Hemingway is just an inventive journalist.

    Edit: Of the English, I can only say that I love Dickens, Joseph Conrad and Thomas Hardy, but England has so many good novelists that I can’t even make a selection.

    by SamButch


    1. BlacknWhiteMoose on

      > Ernest Hemingway’s moral universe is simplistic to the point of boorishness. Compared to Faulkner, Hemingway is just an apprentice.

      Lmao. Have you read any of his books or short stories?

      His characters are extremely complex.

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