September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m in a mega reading slump atm (and also suffering from analysis paralysis) and unable to stick to anything I pick up or really feel super engaged by it (although this is possibly because I’m not giving enough time to get into the book), so I was wondering what books helped pull you out of a bad reading slump.

    Ideally I’d love something really funny or something that you found to be very profound or thought provoking in some way (with a preference for fiction), but more so I’d just like to hear what books did it for you

    by Fancy-Honeydew-4767


    1. I read Six of Crows and loved it so much I read the books before and after it and it gave me like seven books that I devoured.

    2. LooseCarrots44 on

      I like to read a favorite book from childhood. They’re an easy read and sentimental, so it helps get me back into reading.

    3. SoullessCactus on

      Project Hail Mary

      Now you should ask me about books that got me *into* a reading slump (it’s House Of Leaves – I loved the book but it gave me book fatigue for a couple years)

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