September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    EMPHASIS AREAS (but I will take ALL recommendations!!)

    -Native American history in USA
    -Anything related to history of religion / spread of religion / influence of religion on economies etc (can be from ANY time period)
    -books involving the spice trade
    -moon landing / race to space

    I drew my brother-in-law for secret Santa this year and he has requested non fiction history books. I’m an avid reader but unfortunately that is not a strong genre for me! I’m trying to do something kind of fun where I match each book with a relevant/thematic bar of soap since he also asked for soap!

    Please suggest your favorites!

    by sandie16


    1. CheerfulErrand on

      The first thing that occurs to me is Jared Diamond’s **Guns, Germs, and Steel** if he hasn’t already read it.

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