July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi all!

    My dad recently got into a habit of reading (which I’m super happy and proud of) but through those apps that you have to pay coins per chapter.

    So I gave him my old kindle as I recently upgraded.

    My question is — Do you guys have any recommendations for starters like my dad (he’s 60yo if that helps)?

    When I ask him about what kind of stories he likes he said its either rags to riches or secret millionaire. Like the trope that the protagonist inherited a fortune and how it turns his life around.

    When I try to search some, the books I see are leaning heavily on a more romantic genre and I’m not sure that’s what he’s looking for.

    So any recommendations? A bit of romance is fine and maybe just a light read?

    Thank you so much!

    by reenrodes

    1 Comment

    1. Is your dad a rock and roller? If so – he’s likely aware of (and hopefully a fan of) Patti Smith. Her memoir [Just Kids](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/341879.Just_Kids?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=m6XtCbxcam&rank=1) is phenomenal. And it is kind of rags to riches though the emphasis is on her life with Robert Mapplethorpe much more than her rock and roll career. She knew/met/loved/hung out with so many people in the New York art scene of the times which makes it extra jaw-dropping.

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