September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    My sister in law is now a mom to two young kids, the older boy I strongly suspect is autistic and semi-nonverbal as he’s turning 5 and still having trouble speaking and pronouncing 1-3 word sentences, however we haven’t brought it up to her because we don’t want to add much more to her plate.

    She tries to work from home through an MLM (scam) and her husband is an alcoholic. She’s on two different anxiety medications and smokes weed to try to help her calm down.

    I’d like to get her something that isn’t directly saying “you need to read this your life is a mess”, so I was wondering if there were any kids books that had a lot of life tips for young parents mixed into their stories that would be fun for her son to read and helpful for her.

    by IronSchmiddy

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