September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Somewhere in my life’s journey, I learned it wasn’t ok to make mistakes. I learned it was bad, sinful, something to be ashamed of.

    I’m looking for some help to try and shed this belief, but no idea where to start.

    Any suggestions?

    This is a very sensitive subject for me, so hoping for something with a bit of a lighthearted touch to it.


    by Khajiit_Boner


    1. MirabelleSWalker on

      The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown is about shame and vulnerability. Actually, anything by her is great! She has some TED talks if you want to get an idea of her content and style.

      Don’t be hard on yourself. We’re all just doing our best.

    2. Ireallyamthisshallow on

      *Mindset* by Caroline Dweck is about this exact thing. It’s about growth Vs fixed mindsets (which is what you’re talking about). There’s an updated version from 4 or 5 years ago.

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