September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Every travel book I seem to find is about places that I will never have the money to go to… Africa, Asia, ect ect. I’d love just a travel memoir about seeing some closer to home spots. I loved A Walk in the Woods and Wild is on my TBR list, but what else is out there? Bryson did another book about small towns but he was way too grumpy through it that I ended up not liking that one. Any ideas?

    by SpringtimeMoonlight

    1 Comment

    1. Blue Highways by William Least-Heat Moon is my favorite book ever.

      He’s also written a book about taking a boat on a cruise across the country’s rivers, called River-Horse, which I haven’t read. Also on my mind are Rinker Buck’s books about American journeys, and In America by Geert Mak, where a Dutch journalist follows in the footsteps of Steinbeck’s Travels With Charley.

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