July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I have been feeling very useless. This realisation has loomed over me over the past few months that I just have not felt happy since around 2016. I have no idea what the fuck to do with my career. I feel lost. And the worst part is that I do not have any idea how I should even begin to solve my problems. I have always sort of run away from facing them. I slightly blame my upbringing for that, the constant discouragements, comparisons made with cousins, etc. I was never taught to dream. And now I am in mental rut. I want to fix it all but I do not know how.

    Again, I constantly run away from my problems, myself, I isolate myself quite a lot, no emotion sticks for a desirable while (mostly the good ones of satisfaction, happiness, contentedness, etc.). I am always in a state of anxiety.

    I must say I have always been skeptical of self-help books. But I am willing to give something of the sort a shot. Something with a more empathetic approach as opposed to a, idk, an andrew tate-like or walton goggins-like talking head pushing me down and berating me.

    Please help!

    by rudshire


    1. The Guest by Emma Cline — this is NOT a self-help book, it’s a book about a lost girl in a constant state of drifting. It’s melancholy and might be a good motivator to make a change if you’re in a similar cycle

      Similar story with My Year of Rest and Relaxation

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