September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I would love if anyone could suggest me a book/book series that is in a fantasy setting that has a non toxic enemies to lovers arc. I’m on the final Court Of Thorns Roses book and I would like to read something with a similar type of enemies to lovers romance (NOT like in the first book) that is not toxic or feels forced.
    Can anyone help please?

    by espeonsrequiem


    1. It’s still simmering, but Susan Dennard’s Witchlands series, beginning with *Truthwitch*

    2. changeableLandscape on

      These are not exactly what you’re looking for but somewhere in the neighbourhood —

      *Troubled Waters* by Sharon Shinn is a fantasy book with a strong romance plot and while the two characters who end up together are not exactly *enemies* at the start, they are definitely not friends either and a lot of the story is about them coming to understand each other.

      *Uprooted* by Naomi Novik starts with a village in which girls get sent to live with the local evil mage, and goes from there in some delightful directions.

    3. Kushiel’s Dart by Jacqueline Carey. Phedre and Josscelain aren’t exactly enemies, but there’s a lot of tension between them.

    4. For a blend of myth and reality, ‘American Gods’ by Neil Gaiman is a book I find myself recommending time and again. Gaiman’s tale explores the gods of old myths and their struggle to survive in modern America, a place of new gods like technology and media.

    5. You might try “Agent of Byzantium” by Harry Turtledove. It’s not quite “fantasy” but rather alternate history set in a world where Muhammed converted to Christianity and became a saint rather than founding Islam. Consequently, the Byzantine and Persian empires survive and thrive into something like the 12th century. It’s essentially a lot like a fantasy setting, except there’s no real magic. The protagonist is essentially an intelligence agent for the Empire who occasionally runs up against a female agent of Persia.

      Also, to be clear, it’s a collection of short stories rather than a single narrative, so it jumps around a little. But it hits most of your buttons.

    6. *The Magpie Lord* by K. J. Charles. Crane was exiled to China as a youth and while he was gone his father and brother destroyed Stephan’s family. When he comes back, Crane needs magical help and Stephan shows up out for revenge. It’s m/m historical fantasy and it’s Charles’s first book. It should be availble for free from most e-outlets.

      ~~For a more up and down relationship, try Charles’s Will Darling Adventures. It’s a trilogy where Will distrusts Kim, finds out Kim is honest afterall, then Kim lies to him again. It’s an m/m historical romance set a few years after WWI.~~ Oops! These aren’t fantasy.

    7. Royal_Basil_1915 on

      Maybe *A Crown of Oaths and Curses* by J Bree? It’s sloooowwwwwburn arranged marriage/soulmates, so by the end of the first book, she still doesn’t like him, and the male lead has like just figured out that he needs to work on his shit. I have high hopes for his redemption arc in the next book, when they’re due to get married.

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