September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi all, I work a pretty demanding full time office job and spend 3+ hours almost religiously every weeknight watching Youtube. While I read an okay amount throughout the year, I want to start replacing my Youtube screentime with books so this means reading WAY more books and from different genres. Most of the time on Youtube im just trying to watch something entertaining but somewhat “light”, nothing that adds drama or is way too complex.

    So the books i’d like to read dont need to be of a specific genre, the more diverse the better. But just stories or topics that are not too dense/complex to follow. I typically read historical fiction, fantasy and nonfiction but like I said, i’m open to everything. Any recommendations?


    by jenrique17


    1. Snow Flower and the Secret Fan (since you mentioned historical fiction). I enjoyed it quite a bit, felt like I was teleported back to the time of the book.

    2. Recommend downloading audio books and just finding some where comfy and relaxing while someone reads to you.

      I also work in an office and I basically read for a living. I found it really difficult to get back into reading in my spare time no matter how interesting because u would just fall asleep/ not concentrate. The change in mode to audio books makes it a little more like you tube and less taxing on the brain.

    3. PrometheusHasFallen on

      Fantasy would be the best genre if you want to have tons and tons of reading material and get lost in a story for months.

      If you haven’t already, read A Song of Ice and Fire. They’re thick books but are definitely a page turner.

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